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Master Fernstudium
Lighting Design

Robert Friedrich

Robert Friedrich

Ihr Ansprechpartner

+49 3841 753 - 5142 Anfrage per E-Mail

Sivasankar Vethanayakam from Navi, Mumbai

Sivasankar Vethanayakam Master Lighting Design | WINGS-Fernstudium

Lighting Consultant, Space Lumens - Self Employed

How do you feel about being honorable mentioned by LIT Award?

It’s indeed a very special moment for me. This recognition from LIT Awards inspires me further to pursue my passion & work harder towards my goals. I consider it as a certificate for my efforts to think, adapt & experiment with lighting.

Could you describe you style of working to us?

I believe there’s always something worth going the extra mile - be it our efforts, team work or project management. I like to stay informed with the trends & find inspirations to stay creative. Setting smaller targets keeps me motivated and helps me manage time efficiently.

Why did you decide to study at WINGS?

With around 6 yrs of experience in lighting, a formal education was my primary goal. The real advantage WINGS gave me was to pursue this in parallel to my professional work, managing my own studio, Space Lumens. It wasn’t a cake walk managing both, but a very satisfying experience so far.

What do you particularly like about your studies at WINGS?

The Curriculum planning is a balanced approach. From the initiation to the project team work in subsequent semesters, it prepares us to adopt a methodology. The professor’s guidance & their practical approach are very beneficial. The biggest positive is that it has given me colleagues turned friends from across the globe, so there’s no shortage of Inspiration for the designer in me.

You live abroad, what hurdles do you have to deal with? (Time change, exam situations)

For me, the time zones were not really a hassle, but it did take a while to get used to. Exams & team work with varying time zones are some challenges that prepare you for the better. But yes, managing work load & balancing the assignments are tough sometimes.

How does WINGS accommodate you and how helpful is the personal study coach?

The experience has been a very smooth one. Especially when we are positioned abroad, the communication & management is commendable. The personal study coach has been very helpful in this regard. It gives a better control over the progress, & time management.

What advice would you give to prospective students?

Time managing will make this course very enjoyable. Engage in active discussions with your colleagues and professors from across the globe, this will open a new world for you. Work can easily create interruptions, managing both is the key.

If you want to say anything else, now is your chance:

“Thank you” WINGS, for giving me the right kind of platform, which has given me a push to grow & innovate further in my Journey. It feels great to be part of the global lighting community.