Sequence of Events


After successful application you will receive notification of approval from the Hochschule Wismar, as well as the invoice for the first contribution to the WINGS GmbH. Once you proceed with payment, you will be automatically registered as a student at the Hochschule Wismar. 

Opening Seminar

Our opening seminar takes place at the end of October. At this seminar you will meet the course leaders, Mr. Professor Glücklich and Mr. Professor. Wollensak. You will receive an overview of the course of events over the four semesters of study, have the opportunity to discuss the first semesters study material and become oriented with the on-line platform StudIP. Moreover, the prelude seminar is an opportunity to get to know your lecturers of the first semester as well as your fellow students.

Organisational Structure

In the first semester you can expect to study three subject modules which are divided into three or four sub-modules. In semesters two and three, this formal structure continues. The modules are either completed in one semester (Fundamentals and Energy related Evaluations of Buildings) or it runs over two semesters (Planning and Design).


Each of the modules is concluded with an examination. As a rule, these examinations are usually in the form of written tests or design projects. You will be informed of the method of examination for each of the respective modules by your lecturers at the beginning of each semester.

Conclusion of Studies

You will have 24 weeks in the fourth semester to complete your Master Thesis. The theme/ subject of your work will be supervised and adjusted by a lecturer of your choice. The thesis can and should, correlate with your professional vocation.

After successful defence of your Master Thesis you will be awarded an official ‘Master of Science' degree from the Hochschule Wismar.