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Robert Friedrich

Robert Friedrich

Ihr Ansprechpartner

+49 3841 753 - 5142 Anfrage per E-Mail

Economics for Engineers


The students to become familiar with the generally recognised and practically applicable principles of modern management economics. 

They are able to analyse companies from a macroeconomic perspective, systemise based on characteristics (legal forms, size, factor input and similar) and derive fundamental conclusions for company management. 

The students will be familiar with the interrelationships of the performance and financial cycle and be able to analyse and critically assess the effects of changes occurring in the cycle to the balance sheet and the income statement, while drawing consequences for management decisions.

The students will possess the skills to logically justify both conclusions to be derived and suggestions for management decisions, while presenting them in a convincing manner. They will have the ability to independently design further learning processes based on this introductory module. Furthermore, they will be aware that management also includes an element of ethical/social responsibility.


Macroeconomic analysis of a company, structuring the BWL by industry, factor theory, function theory, management science and meta/cross-section function theory, fundamental relationships of the performance  and financial cycle in a company

  • Framework components of company business 
  • Cycle model principles, balance sheet, income statement
  • Performance processes and financial management
  • Strategy and social responsibility
