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Fernstudium Lichtdesign

Master Lighting Design | WINGS-Fernstudium

Fernstudium Lichtdesign

Master Lighting Design | WINGS-Fernstudium
Robert Friedrich

Robert Friedrich

Ihr Ansprechpartner

+49 3841 753 - 5142 Anfrage per E-Mail +49 174 4028 245

Admission Requirement

To be admitted to the Master's programme, you must meet the following conditions:

First academic degree (Bachelor, Master or Diploma - min. 180 ECTS-Credits) in:

  • Art and design study programmes like Architecture, Interior Architecture, Design or Theater Studies*
  • Engineering study programmes like Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering or Computer Science**
  • Business study programmes like Business Economics, Business Informatics or Economic Law**

In addition you please hand in

  • Portfolio of work experience in related fields
  • Proof of English proficiency


If the first academic degree is not related to the field of study, the approval to study can be given with proof of professional work experience.


*    At least one year of professional work experience within the related field.
**  At least two years of professional work experience within the related field.

» Please contact us to discuss the admission requirements related to your personal situation in detail.