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Robert Friedrich

Robert Friedrich

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+49 3841 753 - 5142 Anfrage per E-Mail +49 174 4028 245

Study Group 2012

The WINGS distance learning programme "Lighting Design" lauched in September 2012 for the first time. The seminar week was held at Schloss Gamehl near Wismar and on the campus of the University of Wismar. Students from 12 countries participated in introductory seminars and practical workshop sessions. The course was opened by Prof. Römhild the academic head of the study programm. The following seminar days consisted of lectures held by Prof. Dr. Hofmann, University of Technology Darmstadt, and Prof. Dr. Chutarat, King Mongkut's University Bangkok and Prof. Dr. Römhild from Wismar University. Now after a period of self study the particitants will meet again in February 2013 in Berlin for the second seminar week.

Master Lighting Design 1. Semester
Fernstudium Master Lighting Design WINGS
Fernstudium Master Lighting Design 4