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Robert Friedrich

Robert Friedrich

Ihr Ansprechpartner

+49 3841 753 - 5142 Anfrage per E-Mail +49 174 4028 245

Students with varied International Background

The University of Wismar has a long tradition in teaching Lighting Design. The combination of Lighting Design and Management is unique in professional studies and it will provide you with creative and technical knowledge to manage lighting design projects as well as economic and marketing aspects which are necessary to manage offices professionally. The latest course, beginning in September 2021, started with 24 students from 11 different countries around the world.



12. Hanseatischer Facility Management Tag 2019

Facility Management – Integrative StadtLand-Entwicklung – Mediation: WINGS lädt Sie zu Fachtagungen und Symposien im Mai und Juni ein

News Lighting Design is facing a bright future | WINGS-Fernstudium

Graduates of the master´s programme Lighting Design were internationally awarded by PLDC.

News wie-bauen-wir-2067 | WINGS-Fernstudium

Internationale Experten diskutieren in Wismar über die Zukunft von Architektur und Umwelt...