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Daniel Lampe

Ihr Ansprechpartner

+49 3841 753 - 7657 Anfrage per E-Mail

Risk management and transport security


  • Defining risk and uncertainty, safety and security in the context of global transportation
  • Highlighting importance of security and compliance management
  • Discussing risk management process steps in detail
  • Exemplifying risk response measures at transport, transport chain, logistics and supply chain level
  • Analysing current state of security threats in global transportation
  • Illustrating transportation security
  • Discussing current state of mandatory legislations and voluntary initiatives
  • Students will learn about the importance of risk, security and compliance management especially in global transportation.
  • The current state of security threats in global transportation and the current state of security regulations, initiatives and programmes. Requirements on various modes of transportation and cross-border transport chains will be discussed.

Learning outcomes

The objective is to give students a first insight into the complex topic of risk management and compliance requirements in global transport chains. After attending this session, students are aware of the most important security regulations and initiatives with relevance to global trade flows and have knowledge of risk, security and compliance management concepts. 

Credit points

