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Daniel Lampe

Ihr Ansprechpartner

+49 3841 753 - 7657 Anfrage per E-Mail

Shipping management and economics


  • maritime markets (freight, newbuilding, sale and purchase, demolition)
  • economies of shipbuilding and scrapping
  • shipping company economics
  • shipping company organisation / agency business
  • liner shipping networks and organisation
  • types of charter contracts (voyage, time, non-demise, bareboat charter)
  • standard charter contract rules
  • charter party negotiations
  • laytime and demurrage, incl. dispatch
  • the profitable voyage
  • voyage estimation

Learning outcomes

The students

  • are able to describe the role of shipping in international logistics
  • are able to discuss the relevant markets in shipping and their mechanics
  • have familiarised themselves with the concept of liner and tramp shipping (chartering)
  • are able to reflect the implications of an efficient organisation of sea-borne trade on their respective organisation's value chains
  • are able to demonstrate an understanding of related

Credit points

