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Juliane Höhn

Ihre Ansprechpartnerin

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Ice Navigation Polar Code Basic


The participants acquire knowledge and skills necessary for safe navigation in polar waters. Techniques and methods of detection of ice on sea will be shown. Basis for safe transit in these areas will be taught. After successful completion of the course they are qualified to put the knowledge acquired into practical operation on a vessel navigating and operating in polar water and ice areas.


The Polar Code Basic course takes 4 days and includes a theoretical part as well as the training on the ship handling simulator with the following specific parts:

  • Ice nomenclature, characteristics and detection
  • Polar Code regulations and standards
  • Vessel characteristics – icebreaking, ice classed, non ice classed vessels
  • Vessel Manoeuvring and performance in ice
  • Voyage, passage planning and reporting
  • Icebreaker assistance
  • Vessel equipment for operation in ice and cold climate
  • Crew preparation, working conditions, safety, emergency procedures in polar waters
  • Environmental consideration and prevention in polar waters


- on enquiry -


Duration: 4 days | Language: English and German | Target group: masters and navigational officers on ships operating in polar waters | Number of participants: 6 | Costs: EUR 1,950 per person

The Polar Code Basic is a BSH-accredited course (registration number BSH-2017-925-001).