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Weiterbildung als Schlüssel 
zum Erfolg

Weiterbildung | WINGS-Fernstudium

Praxisnahe Weiterbildung
mit Hochschulzertifikat

Weiterbildung | WINGS-Fernstudium
Christin Plescher

Christin Plescher

Ihre Ansprechpartnerin

+49 3841 753 - 7589 Anfrage per E-Mail +49 174 402 8152

University Certificate with ECTS Credit Points

English language & intercultural competence

Insights Discovery® Profile

Exclusive course groups

Personal support service

Didactics - forms of teaching

Training will combine Seminars with independent study phases, online tutorials and practical coaching sessions. Participation in seminars and online-tutorials, the preparation, conduct and documentation of practical coaching sessions, as well as the completion of a successful oral exam in the form of a live coaching case in module 4 are required to obtain the university certificate International Business Coach. The examination and the awarding of the certificate usually takes place at the end of the fourth module. The independent study phases as well as the conduct and documentation of the three required coaching cases can be individually planned between and after completion of the modules. The three documentations for the practice-coaching sessions may also be submitted after completion of the exam.


Along with theoretical input, selected tools, techniques and methods will be applied and further developed in a process-oriented manner to individual and group exercises focusing on practical cases. Within the framework of the programme, participants will receive, among other things, a personal lnsights Discovery Profile® to support and promote self-reflection.

Online tutorials

Two online tutorials will take place, one before the third module and one before the fourth module. They aim at deepening the exchange between all participants and faculty, and at providing support for the practical coaching sessions. This also ensures intensive support and guidance during the training phase.


All teaching material may be viewed at any time electronically on the online learning platform myWINGS and used for self-study. This ensures learning flexibility, as well as the optimal use of seminar time. It is recommended to become familiar with the teaching material before attending each seminar.

Coaching sessions

Three coaching sessions must be conducted and documented during the training. Participants are encouraged to coach other programme participants as well as external individuals.

Peer consulting

Voluntary group reflections will take place between modules. The online learning platform myWINGS can be used for the exchange of thoughts and ideas.