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Weiterbildung als Schlüssel 
zum Erfolg

Weiterbildung | WINGS-Fernstudium

Praxisnahe Weiterbildung
mit Hochschulzertifikat

Weiterbildung | WINGS-Fernstudium
Christin Plescher

Christin Plescher

Ihre Ansprechpartnerin

+49 3841 753 - 7589 Anfrage per E-Mail +49 174 402 8152

University Certificate with ECTS Credit Points

English language & intercultural competence

Insights Discovery® Profile

Exclusive course groups

Personal support service

Examination and certificate

The further education course International Business Coach provides intensive support and supervision by the team of lecturers during the four modules of the programme and leads to a successful certification through a recognised university certificate.

You will receive this certificate from Wismar University after having completed a live coaching in the presence of your lecturers at the end of the module 4 of your further education programme. Participation in each module is required as well as a self-presentation as coach or coaching manager in module 3 and the completion of three documented coaching cases during the entire period of training. Individual preparation work will be expected between modules, including some group work.