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Weiterbildung als Schlüssel 
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Weiterbildung | WINGS-Fernstudium

Praxisnahe Weiterbildung
mit Hochschulzertifikat

Weiterbildung | WINGS-Fernstudium
Christin Plescher

Christin Plescher

Ihre Ansprechpartnerin

+49 3841 753 - 7589 Anfrage per E-Mail +49 174 402 8152

University Certificate with ECTS Credit Points

English language & intercultural competence

Insights Discovery® Profile

Exclusive course groups

Personal support service

Methological Approaches - Paths of realizing complexity

Coaches work in a complex and dynamic field of multiple perspectives, versatile demands and individually shaped conceptions. While many techniques and theories are capable of dealing with such intricacies in a convincing way, none of them seems to be able to handle every situation or to give the whole picture. This is why the further educational International Business Coach deeply believes in the practical relevance to know a wider set of different approaches.

Humanistic approach

Based on humanistic values like dignity, freedom, respect and tolerance coaches will be encouraged to take personal responsibility for themselves and their decisions in order to encounter their clients authentically, congruently, transparently in methods and to be generally on a par with their clients/ coachees. The clients/coachees are accepted as experts of their topics and will be methodical supported to reach their own goals. Thus, the coach is responsible for a trusting work relationship as well as for methods and interventions within the process of coaching.

Outcome-oriented approach

The work with clients/coachees is not intended to survey the situation or to reason problems or weaknesses. lnstead, it zooms in on the resource-oriented quest for goals and solutions, individually matching the needs of the situation and the persons involved.

Constructivist approach

The prospective coaches will be sensitised on perception as an active process of construction, resulting from individual experience of life and the current emotional situation. Hence, there is no objective truth, but different people experience the same situation in a different way.

Systemic approach

Clients/coachees are always part of a system, for example a part of a company, a  department and/or a team. Therefore, systemic coaching does not only focus on individuals, but also on the whole system and its interactions. That is why business coaching always patronises a multi-perspective point of view.

Integrative multi-methological approach

The course integrates manifold models, methods and interventions from different schools, for instance from Systemic Counselling, from the client/person-centered approach of Carl Rogers, from NLP, from the hypnotherapeutic approach of Milton H. Erickson or from the numerous models and findings of communication psychology according to Friedemann Schulz von Thun.