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Juliane Höhn

Ihre Ansprechpartnerin

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The Maritime Education and Training Centre (METC)

Our shipping courses will be held at the Maritime Education and Training Centre (METC) as a part of the Department of Maritime Studies in Rostock (Warnemünde). The Department of Maritime Studies has a long tradition of training seafarers reaching back to the year 1846. Today, the department belongs to the Hochschule Wismar, University of Applied Sciences: Technology, Business and Design.

The Maritime Simulation Centre is the only one in Europe offering the possibility of combining the simulation of nautical and technical ship operation with the shore-based support of the VTS system.

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It is used for the practical training of students to work as future ship officers on board of ships.

Another important aspect of the MSCW is the further education of ship officers, so that they can accomplish their difficult tasks on a high level on board.

The MSCW offers an outstanding basis for the research and development in the field of the maritime economy.

The maritime education and training centre (METC)