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97% Recommend

Part-time programme
MBA Logistics & Trade

Fernstudium Handel & Logistik | WINGS-Fernstudium

Part-time programme
MBA Logistics & Trade

MBA Logistik | WINGS-Fernstudium
Robert Friedrich

Robert Friedrich

Your contact person

+49 3841 753 - 5142 Inquire through E-Mail

Academic Research and Writing

The module is designed to prepare students for their master thesis projects. Students will develop and present an exposé of their planned research projects. Peer discussion and feedback will form an essential part of the module. Topics to be touched upon are inter alia:

  • Foundations of academic research
  • Academic principles
  • Research logic
  • Research process
  • Sourcing of information
  • Elements of a research paper
  • Identification and interpretation of a topic
  • Structuring technique
  • Referencing
  • Academic language and writing style
  • Argumentation

Students are able to deduce, document and present a proposed explanation for a research question based upon the techniques and principles of academic research and writing in order to derive an answer for an identified research problem.
