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Master Information Technology and Management

The part time Master’s programme Information Technology and Management will be offered by the Wismar University of Applied Sciences: Technology, Business and Design (Germany). The developments in the fields of economics as well as information and communication technology already require today – let alone in the future – a comprehensive knowledge encompassing a wide range of facets as well as the ability to bring about process-oriented solutions in the technical and business environments of various areas. The Master’s programme Information Technology and Management is an extra-occupational correspondence study course for professionals, together with a specialisation in information and communication technology provides in-depth specialist knowledge in fields of engineering and economics as well as the guidance to perform independent scientific work based on exemplary case studies and specialisations. Interdisciplinary teaching events enable the students to further expand their ability for solving problems on an interdisciplinary basis. Upon successfully completing the study course, you will be able to plan, organise and design all types of work and business processes in relation to their optimal technical and economic implementation. As a graduate, you will also receive the internationally recognised academic degree 'Master of Engineering (M.Eng.)'. Find out more on these pages about the Information Technology and Management offered at 9 locations in Germany

German University Degree

Master of Engineering (M.Eng.)


Duration of studies
4 semesters

Costs per semester
2.400 €

Enrolment until
31.8. (preliminary course 28.2.)

Type of study
Distance learning

face-to-face seminars
3 weekends in the semester

Study locations
Berlin, Düsseldorf, Frankfurt a.M., Hamburg, Hanover, Leipzig, Munich, Stuttgart, Wismar


Next start: winter semester 2023/2024 (Sep)

Closing date for application: 31 August 2023

Master of Engineering (M.Eng.)

communication engineering and information technology

part time master's programme

German University degree

Bewertungssiegel 2024 | WINGS-Fernstudium