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Master Informationstechnik & Management / Wirtschaftsingeniuerwesen | WINGS-Fernstudium


Master Wirtschaftsingeniuerwesen | WINGS-Fernstudium


Master Wirtschaftsingeniuerwesen | WINGS-Fernstudium
Julia Wieczisk

Julia Wieczisk

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Business Simulation


The students link the contents communicated in the previous economics modules into a holistic company management concept. The students independently create tools for the integrated business planning (in MS-Excel, for example). The management decision-making ensues in small groups (max. 5 participants), the task distribution within the team and the coordination of interdependent decisions develops both the ability to work in a team and communication skills, while the actions taken at a competitive level also develop the ability for entrepreneurial thinking and operating. 


Open PC-based general management simulation, development of a target system, corporate strategy, business planning and control.

  • Running an industrial enterprise (as a team) on a competitive basis 
  • Operative, tactical and strategic corporate planning
  • Decision-making in the areas of: marketing, production, logistics and financing
  • Results analysis, development of a controlling system 
  • Optimisation of subdivisions using OR instruments
  • Development of an Excel-based integrated corporate planning
  • Documentation of quarterly planning and analyses
  • Producing an annual report (financial statement)